Employment Resources
Unemployment Benefits - Visit twc.texas.gov to apply for unemployment benefits. You will need: last employer’s business name & address; first and last dates that you worked for your last employer; number of hours worked and pay rate.
Other job resources:
Cedar Hill Chamber of Commerce - cedarhillstrong.com
Dallas Regional Chamber - sayyestodallas.com/jobs/displaced-workers/
Workforce Solutions of Greater Dallas - wfsdallas.com/
Business Resources & Information
Business Resources & Information
Cedar Hill Economic Development Corporation and the Cedar Hill Chamber of Commerce have launched a website, cedarhillstrong.com, to provide resources and information for businesses and employees.
Dallas County Emergency Housing Assistance Program
Dallas County Emergency Housing Assistance Program
The Dallas County Emergency Housing Assistance Program (EHAP) provides Short-term rental, mortgage, and utility assistance to Dallas County residents living outside of the City of Dallas economically affected (loss/reduction of income) by the spread of COVID-19. For additional information including the pre-screening application, please visit: https://www.dallascounty.org/departments/dchhs/ehap-cares.php or call 214-819-1968, Monday-Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Food Assistance
Food Assistance
If you or someone you know is in need of food assistance due to adverse impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic, job loss or cutback, please contact Cedar Hill Shares at 972.293.2822. Cedar Hill Shares has also partnered with TXU to provide energy aid assistance to Cedar Hill residents who are TXU customers. Additional information can be found on their website at https://www.cedarhillshares.org/.
The City has a community resource at the following link: http://cedarhilltx.com/2660/Community-Resources.